India Electric Rickshaw Market: Growing Demand for Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Solutions

Talking about the emergence of e-rickshaws in India, they first hurled on the Indian roads, over a decade ago in 2011. Since then, there has only been an increase in the number of e-rickshaws on Indian roads.

With no costly or emitting fuels used and these rickshaws being powered by electricity, they in a way are much more economical then the CNG powered auto-rickshaws.

With all the factors like being economical, contributing no pollution, easy and comfortable ride, and also providing an earning potential, the present of e-rickshaws looks rather secure.

India Electric Rickshaw Market

India Electric Rickshaw Market

How is the Future of e- Rickshaws in India?
When initially they busted on to the scene in India, e-rickshaws were imported, but with the increased interest of the people, and their potential on Indian roads, currently they are manufactured in the country itself. There are a number of manufacturers, producing advanced Lithium-ion batteries and there is a rapid growth of this entire ecosystem.

Back in the initial days, the main challenge faced by e-rickshaws was that, the range was not up to the mark and there was also a lack of a proper charging infra.

The Union government is soon going to announce a National Battery Swapping Policy, giving more and more weightage to the adoption of not only these battery- driven rickshaws but the entire fleet of electric vehicles across the nation.

We are not saying this vaguely or without any base, as per the current market scenario and dynamics, with a growth rate of 6.6%, the total demand for e-rickshaws in India will reach a value of USD 456.2 million by the end of this decade.

India Electric Rickshaw Market: Growing Demand for Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Solutionsultima modifica: 2023-06-01T08:09:18+02:00da pramodkr
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